Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals
Burials and Support for the Dying
Trinity and St. Francis are honored to be a source for families and individuals who are seeking baptism or marriage, and we treasure the opportunity to walk with you and your family when a loved one has died. In all these situations please contact the church and schedule an appointment with our priest as early as possible so that the church can provide for you and your family.
Baptism is the initiation of a human being into the life of Christ and his Church. It is always celebrated at a public service where the gathered church can celebrate as another person is brought into the household of God. For an adult, we offer a personalized program of instruction and spiritual preparation before the actual baptism, and prefer to celebrate the event on the Easter Vigil, a Saturday night each Spring. For infants and young children, we invite the family to consider ways of preparing themselves to take on the role of raising a child in the faith of Christ. After meeting with our priest, we together will schedule a Sunday morning baptism.
Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation. All baptized participants ages 16 and up are invited to consider Confirmation and its counterparts Reception and Reaffirmation as they grow deeper in relationship with the church.
Confirmation is the adult affirmation of faith that one undergoes if they were baptized as children,
Reception is for those baptized who were raised in another faith tradition, and
Reaffirmation is for those who have experienced distance in the faith life and are returning to active worship and practice.
We schedule preparation classes yearly that culminate with the Bishop’s Visit, when the Bishop blesses those who have been prepared.
The sacrament of Marriage is a holy opportunity to both make a lifelong commitment to life together and a chance to seek God’s blessing upon that commitment. We are proud to offer this sacramental act to any couple, regardless of gender. The process for seeking this sacrament at Trinity involves several meetings with the priest in order to prepare for entering into marriage. Please note: no service will be scheduled at the church before at least two meetings with the priest have been completed. We cannot reserve dates until the process of preparation has been healthily entered into.
The process of dying and the work of grieving for our loved ones is sustained by our faith, and the church and her ministers can offer much to everyone involved. Please contact the church immediately when a death has occurred or when you or a loved one is confronted with a terminal illness. The church will walk with you and your family through this trying time, offering visitations, prayer support, and worship that both honors the dead and supports the family.