Worship takes a team.
USHERS assist in welcoming and orienting newcomers and helping the service proceed smoothly by distributing worship service bulletins, taking attendance, collecting and presenting the offering, and directing the congregation during communion. See Head Usher John Willis to learn more.
ACOLYTES are active participants in the service. They serve at the altar and assist the priest at our 10:30 AM service. There are children, youth and adults currently rotating throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Father Matthew.
READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS support the worship service by reading the appointed lessons and psalm or by administering the cup of wine during communion. Some training is required. Please contact Father Matthew for more information.
EUCHARISTIC VISITORS bring the sacrament to those who are unable to come to church. Training and a special license are required. Four members currently take the sacrament to our shut-ins. Contact the Father Matthew for more information.
ALTAR GUILD is responsible for setting and cleaning the altar, vessels and hangings each week, and also arranging the flowers. They are responsible for care of linens, silver, candles and vestments. This is a behind the scenes ministry that help make our liturgy orderly and peaceful. Currently four committees follow a rotating monthly schedule. They always welcome new members. Please contact: Connie Michell