One Service Sundays starting in December 2023
Trinity and St. Francis will share worship together every Sunday starting December 3rd, 2023. Worship will begin at 9:30 AM each week, and we will begin at Trinity for the month of December. In January, we will switch to St. Francis, and we plan to rotate between the two each month.
Father Matthew and the leadership team made the decision after experiencing our summer experiment in sharing worship, reviewing the data from a member survey in September, and then two months of prayerful meetings. The team knows that there will be some learning to be had and adjustments to be made as we move forward, but the positive impact from the summer experience and the opportunities that sharing in worship together provide were deciding factors.
The holidays of Christmas and Easter will rotate each year. In this coming year, Christmas will be held at St. Francis and Easter at Trinity. Holy Week will feature a variety of services at both locations.