Father Matthew announces new call
Dear People of St. Francis and Trinity,
I write to you today with mixed feelings. I have been called to serve as Rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brunswick, Maine. I begin my ministry there on January 1. I will be taking up temporary residence in Brunswick for the spring, while my family joins me there early next summer.
I am daunted by the task of trying to fully express my thanks for the last 14 ½ years of ministry here in Warren County. Your support, courage, and faith gave us the opportunity to do many difficult and challenging things together. You joined me in bold experiments for the gospel, celebrating every new fruit we experienced emerging in our midst. We also faithfully traveled together through much grief as we suffered losses and confusion in the face of many pressures beyond our control. Each and every step testifies to your faith and commitment, and I am so humbly thankful for all of you.
Over the next weeks, I will turn over responsibility for our congregations to our Bishop’s Committee, who will continue to exemplify faithful leadership as they guide you through the impending time of transition and discernment. Leaders from the diocese will join them in helping maintain worship, pastoral care, and works of mercy as they all develop a vision for your futures. We will also determine the best options for when my final service with you will take place. We will communicate that to you soon.
Some may note that my family’s move to New England is a sort of homecoming. In some ways, that is true, but it is not fully true. Youngsville and Warren, along with Northwestern Pennsylvania, have become my home, and will forever remain in me. As we go forward apart from one another, know that you will forever remain in my heart. I pray that you continue to boldly bring the Gospel of Jesus to our beloved communities here in Warren County. And in the words of a traditional Irish Blessing,
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Yours in Christ,