Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil
See Father Matthew’s Intro video here
Members and friends of St. Francis and Trinity join in a virtual prayer vigil from 5PM Thursday, March 28th to 5PM Friday, March 29th. Each hour has at least one person assigned to be in prayer. Others are invited to join in prayer at any time over the 24 hours. It can be as simple as pausing to pray the Lord’s Prayer, holding a moment afterwards to offer whatever rises up inside oneself as a prayer to God. Or, your offering of prayer can stretch beyond an hour, encompassing any form of prayer that one desires. A list of suggestions and more information is available here.
Join with your friends as we hold vigil in honor of the holy events of this night. Jesus, on this last night of his life, commanded us to love one another (John 13:31-35). We begin that work in prayer, drawing closer to God who is our constant companion and guide in living out the commandment to love.
The prayer vigil concludes with the beginning of the Good Friday office, which will be held at St. Francis in Youngsville starting at 5:30PM.